The Kirks
The Kirks
On this site you will find pictures, videos, the family tree, and other information about the Kirk family. We are David and Cheryl and our children are Alex, Henry, Hannah, and Charley.
We live in Landenberg, PA now, but moved from the UK in 1999. Our youngest son Charley was born in the USA, however the rest of us are British Citizens.
David works for JPMorgan Chase, Cheryl is a Reading Assist Tutor, and our children attend the Avon Grove Charter School in West Grove.
David and all 4 children take Kenpo Karate lessons at the American Karate Studios in Newark, DE and all of the children are active in Scouting: Alex and Henry are Boy Scouts, Charley is a Cub Scout, and Hannah is a Girl Scout.
The links at the top of the page will take you to photo albums of the family. You can subscribe to any of these pages through the RSS link on each page. You can also find the Kirk Family Tree and a webcam showing the back of our house in Chestertown.
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Welcome to the The Kirks’ Website